
что творят!

У BT грандиозные планы по освоению будущего! Они это и не скрывают и про это всегда говорят. Один из таких грандиозных проектов – обьеденение разных номеров клиенто (мобильных, рабочих, домашних, email-ов) в один глобальный универсальный номер. Т.е. что имеем: у человека есть один номер и все, по этому номеру он доступен где бы он не находился.

Система сама берет на себя обязательство перевести звонок на то устройство которое в этот момент доступно клиенту. Роль этой системы BT, конечно же, берет на себя. Общая глобализация – полная Матрица 😉

В принципе, сейчас похожее уже возможно в ручном режиме, когда человек переключает звонки с мобильного на домашний, с рабочего на домашний, но это так, детский энтузиазм отдельных технически продвинутых товарищей.

Как с технической точки зрения будет выглядиеть будущее можно почитать здесь:

Launch of BT Fusion – Giving Customers the Best of Both Worlds

Today we are launching BT Fusion, the world’s first converged fixed and mobile phone service with seamless handover.

Formerly known internally as Project Bluephone, BT Fusion works as a normal mobile phone when people are out and about, automatically switching to a BT Broadband line when they get home – even midway through a call. It offers the convenience and features of a mobile phone – but with fixed line prices and quality.

By routing calls over BT Broadband, our new service offers calls to UK landline numbers at BT Together rates of 5.5p for up to an hour for off-peak calls, and 3p a minute at peak times. For example, a 10 minute off-peak mobile call from home will cost up to 95% less than the same call using a typical mobile competitor package.

About 19% of our broadband customers have problems with mobile coverage. BT Fusion will improve things as it routes calls over broadband, with customers able to use mobiles in areas where coverage is currently absent or very poor quality.

All this is made possible by a special access point installed in the home – called the BT Hub. It uses Bluetooth technology to connect the BT Fusion handset to the broadband line. This hub also works as a wireless (Wi-Fi) router allowing customers to hook up PCs, games consoles and printers wirelessly around the home. On buying the service, customers will get a free hub and handset which will be a BT branded Motorola v560.

Our full sales campaign starts in September, and we’re starting to roll out to 400 initial customers this week. People can register their interest at .

Our customers tell us that in an increasingly busy world they want the convenience of one handset and address book, the best possible cost and reliable mobile coverage. BT Fusion delivers on all three counts, an excellent example of BT innovating to meet customer needs.

BT Fusion is the first service of its kind anywhere in the world and the global communications industry is watching. We can all feel proud of working for a company that is setting the agenda that others will follow.

Ian Livingston
CEO BT Retail
15 June 2005