
BT зажигает!

Как всегда, в конце года, а конец года здесь случается в апреле, все подводят результаты. BT не исключение и тоже подводит результаты. Если с финансовыми результатами все понятно, там абсолютные цифры. Цифры огромные, 😉 но все-равно как-то оценить их можно. Большие компании типа BT просто обажают придумывать различные не финансовые показатели, по которым можно было бы как-то оценить работу этих монстров. Вот один такой отчет о “не финансовых показателях” нам сейчас запостили. Очень забавные показатели 😉

Мне больше всего понравилось: “…63% of you told us that knowing about our reputation for corporate social responsibility makes you more proud to work for our company…” обожаю BT, эту маленькую Английскую телефонную компанию и хожу весь такой из себя гордый ;))))

с ума сойти! уже два года как здесь, а еще не привык к такому наивно-корпоративному отношению! ;))

Full Non-Financial Performance Results April 2004 - March 2005
Our annual results to March 2005 show that, despite a challenging marketplace, not only does BT continue to deliver strong financial results, we have also delivered strong results on almost all our non-financial indicators:

· Customer dissatisfaction reduced by 23% on a compound annual basis over the past three years
· Employee Engagement Index up 1% to 65%
· Lost Time Injury rate 23% better
· Sickness Absence rate 12.5% better
· Global Warming CO2 emissions 53% below 1996 levels
· We reduced the amount of waste we send to landfill by 8%
· 100% of the actions identified through our supply chain risk assessment process were followed up
· We invested ?9.1 million in community projects and provided ?11.7 million through support in kind
· The number of disabled employees increased by 0.1%
· The number of ethnic minority employees increased by 0.3%
· The number of women in the company declined by 0.3%
· Broadband is now available to exchanges serving over 97% of UK homes and businesses
· A new Ethics Performance measure was introduced against which we plan to see improvements in future years

Maintaining and improving our social and environmental performance is essential. Key trends show that these results are becoming increasingly important to our customers, investors and our employees.

For example, in the last financial year, the value of bids in which we were required to disclose measures of our social and environmental performance rose from ?900 million to more than ?2 billion. And in a recent survey of employees, 63% of you told us that knowing about our reputation for corporate social responsibility makes you more proud to work for our company.

As BT's Corporate Social Responsibility Champion, I'm delighted to see improvements pretty much across the board. It is something which we can all be very proud of. And thanks to all of you who have played a part in delivering these results.

Alison Ritchie
Chief Broadband Officer and BT's Corporate Social Responsibility Champion
2 June 2005

Additional information
You can read more about these results in our Social and Environmental report at